Welcome, this is the first BLOG entry in the new website!
I am truly excited to be engaged in this project. This summer I explore Alaska in my mobile art studio gathering material to create a future series of environmental art installations.
I had planned to be driving the Dalton Highway from Fairbanks to Deadhorse about now. However, I broke my arm a week ago and need to delay visiting the oil fields of the North Slope and the Arctic Coastal plain, until I am healed enough to manage the physical demands. If all goes well I will spend August exploring the Interior and South Central regions of Alaska. At Land's End in Homer I board a boat for Halibut Cove to spend time in this remote area as the Kachemak Bay State Park's, Artist in Residence.
Formal Project Description
ReWilding is a series of large-scale, digitally projected images that dramatically merge human activity with expanses of wilderness. Via live video, built spaces overlay remote wilderness sites and undeveloped landscapes are cast onto interior and exterior surfaces of urban structures.
Conceptual rendition
On the surface of a calving glacier, cars tank up at a convenience store in an apocalyptic premonition of a future without wild spaces and an eerie convergence of energies between the power of gasoline and the explosiveness of melting ice.
An ‘original’ landscape covers interior and exterior surfaces of a decommissioned box store -- to immerse spectators in the building’s ‘re-stored' condition and the site’s previously undeveloped state, affectively making the building disappear.
A carpet of AstroTurf unfurls across a massive stretch of the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, while tundra turf carpets the playing field of a decaying sports stadium in a dustbowl.
ReWilding is a series of spectacular convergences between man and nature, variously sited in remote wilderness locations and urban structures. Through 3-D digital mapping, large-scale projection of video or still images onto non-flat surfaces (buildings, trees), will create immersive site-specific events that deepen environmental awareness and position human activity in direct relationship to the natural world.
Sites will emerge from organic collaborations with stakeholders and entail archival research intended of bring transparency to the social, economic and environmental issues in play. What plays out at the local level is an aspect of global flows, yet it is at the local level that intervention must occur.
Each intervention will be accessible via web-based media, live feed and documented for subsequent exhibition.