carbon bomb SERIES
[documentary photography, environmental installation and directed performance]
"If we dig precious things from the Earth we invite disaster."
Hopi Prophecy, as translated in KOYAANISQUATSI, 1983
Directed Performance
When we act on urges to own and control the environment we risk disrupting the balance of vital sources which support life. When we decant and sift the ocean into containers thrown from the earth's core, discharging these vessels back to the source - we poison the well.
Temporary Environmental Installation
tundra sheaves
Oil has seeped into the human food chain. It is fertilizer and preservative. Transport and container. It is our breadbasket. Our nourishment. As we ingest it along with our food, hydrocarbon molecules infuse the cells in our bodies. Over the course of a year, residents of the rural community where I live in Alaska contributed approximately 5000 of their plastic grocery bags for Tundra Sheaves and Food Pyramid installations.