"Funding to art in the state has been cut not because of its excess but because of its power"
Sheryl Maree Reily
Art Widow
|Black drape
2019 was a busy year, interrupted in part by the closing of the Alaska State Council on the Arts along with other programs vital to the socio-cultural and economic well-being of the state.
As a member of the agency’s visual arts advisory council for a number of years, I have a deep understanding and respect for the role the agency plays in the lives of Alaskans.
In response to these events I initiated two performance interventions and coordinated a statewide call to action in response to Governor Dunleavy of Alaska’s decision.
Although we were unable to halt the dismantling of the agency by joining forces with others we were able to amplify our voices and let it be known we are not subject to erasure.
I am so grateful to the artists, patrons, institutions and politicians who worked side by side in a unified bi-partisan effort, which eventually resulted in the reinstatement of funding of the agency.
#saveAKarts #ArtsAdvocacy #ASCA #alaskastatecouncilonthearts #thisisalaska #saveourarts #saveourstate #OverRideTheVeto #ArtWidow